Monday, October 18, 2010


Its 6:25 am and I have been on a call for 1.5 hours.  UGH.  I have been working my presentation until 1:30 last night and up at 5, I bet I crash HARD today.   I want to do a good job on my presentation but I have no idea if it is interesting at all.  Maybe it is boring and redundant and they will all shrug and wish they had gone to a different presentation.  If I really cared I would have put more effort into it, although really I do not have that much else I could say - given the topic.

I am starting to recover from the marathon, but I am still exhausted and never more homesick than I am right  now.  I am tired of traveling.  I am tired of my guy traveling.  I want to be home.  I want resume a normal like where I come home and wake up and feel like a human being rather than all this traveling.

I also decided to hold the cleanse until next Monday.  I was having a hard time imagining how I could get my hands on good gluten-free veggie food at a conference.  I would have to start cooking in my room which is just a little too weird from me.  I haven't lost interest in doing it - just realized I would fail quickly and just wanted to make sure I didn't just set myself to bag out.  I will shop and plan this weekend and start on Monday of next week.  Also since I was feeling pretty beat up this weekend - it does make sense to try the cleanse and give myself a break.  Figure out that logic!  :)

Did I say that I have one goal this week that I want to really hit?  I want to go running - 3 miles - before I leave Vegas.  This is a layered goal - let me explain.  For me to go running requires me to 1) make the commitment to myself  2) overcoming the fear of stepping out of my comfort zone (I hate leaving hotel rooms and going out when I am away on travel) 3)  actually going running.  I need to face the music and try to move my body again.  I am thinking about really committing to a program to run another marathon so I can actually be proud of myself for running a marathon.  The first step - is the first steps running :) although with a whopping 4 hours of sleep last night - I am not off to a fabulous start to being able to run.

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