Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 2 is half way over and honestly I am not feeling too bad as I am not starving or craving anything.  I feel like something has clicked (although it could always unclick) to commit to doing this because it doesn't seem that hard.  I know - wait for the weekend - when I will be bored and craving EVERYTHING.   However right now I had an apple, soup and black bean salad for lunch and it feels ok.  I did notice that from myfitnesspal that I have already consumed my sugar (and over) for the day.  The Black Bean salad I did not notice had sugar added - my bad and the apple has its own natural sugar.  It is a real eye opener for how much sugar is out there and that they add it to everything.

It is a gorgeous day today and I am thinking of leaving early so I can pick up birthday cake for my kid and make him a good dinner and then perhaps - thinking crazy going for a run.  The hard part is the minute I get home I get so tired. and just thinking about running took a hit on my energy level right now.  I should try to get up in the morning instead as it is much more effective and then it is done for the day.  I had good success when I did that before, but I am having a hard time visualizing how I ever did it.  It is dark and cold and boo!!!  What about a compromise - if I don't run tonight I should at a minimum do Ab Ripper X ...god knows my glutes need it.

I guess I do feel an impact because my head is kind of struggling to stay in the game.  Even for my own thoughts I am just all over the place.  Can the cleanse cause ADD or reverse ADD because I am slowed down and bored?  I just can't seem to get into my work but it is more than that as everything feels a little off center and out of reach.  That may not actually be an issue with the cleanse as it is the first week back in the office after several weeks being out and it is sort of a let down to be back slogging through the old crap.  SUGAR.  I swear mentally that was just yelled in my brain.  Ok it may be the cleanse :)

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