Thursday, November 4, 2010

My head is throbbing and I need to write tonight to meet my Health Month goals.  It is good because I wrote a big long thing on the plane but I will work on that tomorrow and publish.   I was going to run today but I underestimated my period and the throbbing headache I would have.   I did not commit myself to getting up this morning so surprise surprise I did not get up.

I know that I can't count on myself running at night because honestly the stress is so much during the day that at night I am just done.  Maybe once I get more into a pattern but not to start.  

It is hard at my job because I am starting to show the wear and tear of not believing in the vision like everyone else.  I feel like such a negative nancy always thinking there is nothing we can do to make things better other than fix the actual problem.  The challenges are huge and I am just getting beat up and it makes it really hard to stay positive.  Ironically my whole job is to keep the teams believing, keep the customers believing and well hell probably believe myself.

I can hardly see and my head is about to split open.  I really need to go to bed but I am fighting it for no good reason.  Part of the cleanse is to not take medicines but I am really really close to breaking that rule.

Well enough of this because I can't think.  Tomorrow I am working from home and I have a few goals that I never accomplish generally. Putting it down in writing - I will run 4 miles run (no matter what the weather) my goal is to go around lunch.   It should be more than a goal should be ... I will run 4 miles tomorrow.  Stay tuned.

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