Monday, November 8, 2010

The cleanse is dead

Alright so I do not really want to write but I am gonna.  The cleanse is dead.  It was such a high and then bam just like that it we ended it.   The comatose feeling definitely played a strong role in the death but really we were just done with the restrictive rice/beans veggies meals. We are foodies through and through and although we survived 14 days and even today we both stayed pretty well on target this was not a life style we could maintain.  I think most of the benefit was gained and really counting calories is more effective than wicked restrictive diets.  Don't believe about the Twinkie weight loss plan.  So what is the plan?  I plan to keep within my calories (1200 a day), eat responsibly and exercise and I am left thinking that paying attention to what we eat will be more effective than not eating anything we enjoy.

So now what the hell will I talk about in this blog if I am not obsessed with food?  I am not exactly sure.  Although as long as I am counting calories there is a pretty good chance I will stay obsessed.  I guess I can talk about my running, my plans of running, my attempts at figuring out what the hell to do about swimming for my triathlon training.  Ugh.  Fall asleep yet.  Although I guess ranting about food is not really all that special either.

I am still exhausted on or off the cleanse but I think that may actually have to do with the fact that I work in a relatively stressful job and I haven't had a vacation in like forever and I am completely stressed out about money.  Boo hoo for me.  I should be glad I have a job and can give and do for everyone like I need/want to.

One thing I am going to do is to start to put together a list of recipes I want to cook.  Not necessarily for the holidays but I want to do one or two recipes a week just to try stuff out - even if it means dropping them off at work so we don't eat them all.  I have this system that I realized needs a little tweak because it is not quite right yet.  I subscribe to a gazillion food blogs because some of these sites are like porn with their gorgeous pictures and awesome sounding recipes.  I save all the recipes that capture me as a bookmark right now and that really is not working because the list is getting long.  I might need to capture it in something like evernote so I can control it better than just in a bookmark.  I also want to start making them and reviewing what I thought of the recipe and how close it came to my expectations.   My be a little spice for reading.   Hint - never google for "food porn" as there are some disturbing results.  I also like reading them for ideas of how to improve my own cooking creativity - I should clarify that My Guy does all the cooking I do some prep and some of the creativity.  He is the real chef in the kitchen but we make a good complementary team as I help with planning and ideas and he is just awesome.

Tomorrow I have to solve the pool problem and where I can go swimming on Wednesday.  There is a 30 day 30$ at Boston Sports that I might try or just do the YMCA either way it is going to cost me more than I wanted and there is no easy solution.  I have to put on my creative hat and figure this one out.

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