Monday, July 26, 2010

Gold star for me today!

That's right I was a rock star today.  It is only day 2 but I had one of those days were it all went as I hoped.  My day was  not too painful and relatively successful.

I had a great conversation with my son that was not only interesting but we started talking about his future in a way that made me happy we could talk so openly.

I ate well - I should have had breakfast but ran out of time, but I avoided the Jelly Bellies, Chocolate "Granola" bars, and all the other crap in the kitchen.

My run was much better than yesterday and although still not where I want to be, I sensed I could get back on this horse and be successful.  Not only that this is the first time that I got home from work and went for a run.  No negotiation for tomorrow or not to do it, just did it.

Oh - and not even a hit of desire for a glass of wine.  Although after my dinner at Craigie on Main last night (FABULOUS) I am not totally surprised.

All other angst for now be gone and I am just happy that today was a rock star day.

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