In our practice we had to imagine a benefactor someone that you knew loved you and wished you happiness. You had to meditate on the idea this person(s) sending you happiness, compassion and joy during different meditations. You then had to turn to yourself and believe you deserved happiness, compassion and joy. You expanded out your meditation to neutral people, people that were difficult and eventually to every sentient being on the planet. There were several interesting things about this practice.
Pema said frequently that in our world people often can only trust their pets to be their true benefactor. It is difficult to find the ones you really trust in to focus on for this exercise. Many people talked about their experience of going numb and unable to reach the emotion. The other hard part was the self acceptance step as it was difficult to repeat I deserve to be happy and enjoy the root of happiness; I deserve to be free of suffering and the root of suffering; I deserve joy in my life. One woman said it best when she said stood up and said I think I am missing the receptor to accept this from others and myself. We struggle with receiving and believing in ourselves which is maybe why we have a hard time believing in others true intention to give to us. We discussed that to give you must be able to receive these beliefs to truly give be able to give to others and that was challenging for almost all 550 in the room. There were times that I felt flat and unmoved and other times we practiced there were tears in my eyes from the waves of emotion that overwhelmed me both from the accepting and the giving of the practice. It was not an easy practice but one that for moments in time I felt more compassion than I thought I was capable of.
I have spent years spinning over and over again about the nitty gritty of the parts of me I will never change. I have spent years trying to change those parts of me and have had little impact. I have noticed though over the last five or more years that I have learned to work with who I am and not let it limit me and control my life. I am ready for that next phase where it is not an anchor around my neck that I am dragging around and doing things in spite of but that I have developed an awareness and an ability to once in a while find the space to not hold on to the edges of the flowing river but to ride down the middle. Maybe some more time on the cushion will help.