I had a crazy dream last night. I dreamt that I returned home after being away for a short time that I had been robbed. If could actually remember it correctly I think it was that I came home late and stumbled through the house and then woke up to realize that my house had been robbed. However, it had not just been robbed it had been completely emptied and stripped of everything. There was nothing in the house except my green kitchen table, a very very old refrigerator that I had to put back on the wall as it was hanging off and an old coke machine. I went out to my car and it had its windows broken and everything was out of it as well. I would start thinking about calling the insurance wondering about how I would replace everything, and then would get distracted and wandering through the rooms just staring at the emptiness. It turned out that there had been many robberies in the neighborhood but mine was the only one where they had emptied the house. I went down to check on my old lady neighbor and she looked scared and shaken and said they had taken some things from her house but had not hurt her and not taken everything.
I have lots of repetitive dreams but this one was brand new to me. I am not sure really where I was going with it in my head but maybe all the buddhist readings are getting to me.
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